Meet Baby C! He is soooo adorable!! A friend of mine wanted me to take her baby's pictures so I set up my black back drop and my off camera strobe light as well as another light in my house. He was acting SO cute!! I just love his little cheeks!! = ) Congrats Tina, you have a cutie pie on your hands!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Chlipapa Family [Internship with Audra Little]
This was from a family shoot I did with Audra Little Photography as another job done as part of my internship. These images were taken at Saguaro Ranch Park, in Glendale, AZ. I just LOVE this park, SO many awesome spots to take family pictures at. Let me know if you wanna schedule a shoot here for your own family pictures!! = ) Thank you Audra for bring me along!

Urban Phoenix Shoot - Just for fun!
Ok, this shoot was a BLAST!!! Some friends of mine all got together to just "play." This was all for FUN! Pictures were shot downtown Phoenix in the "Art District" off of 3rd St and Roosevelt - LOTS of really awesome places to shoot there if you are ever interested in any of these styles of photographs. Things down there change ALL the time. You just never know what you're gonna find! ENJOY!
Julie and Rob [Intership with Audra Little]
I am also interning with Audra Little Photography - shot my second wedding of the season!! This one was up north in Sedona! Was a little warm up there but SOO beautiful! It was such an honor to be invited up there to assist in shooting this wedding. Julie and Rob were so nice and a very outgoing people. They literally had a group of paparazzi following them every where that day!! ; ) Thank you Audra for inviting me to take part of the only "get away" I will have this Summer! It was such a blast!! Can't wait to do it again!